Kilkeel spot landing competition postponed

Written by Mark Smith on Thursday 25 October 2018 1 minute read

Event Postponed

Kilkeel/Derryogue airfield, located South of the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland, has been forced to postpone its spot landing competition scheduled for this Saturday 27th October 2018. Unfortunately, the Northern Irish weather has remembered it is actually Autumn and the forecast is fairly grim for Saturday with winds up to 25kt and early morning sleet and rain. Certainly not ideal conditions for a spot landing competition so they have made the right decision.

New Date

Luckily a new date has been pencilled in which is 10th November 2018 so get that in your diary. The Facebook event has also been updated so make sure you mark yourself as interested to keep abreast of updates. I hope to see you there and you can laugh at my pathetic attempts!

For those unsure, full details of the airfield can be found at AirfieldCards and a map is below.

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